Numerical Methods (236811-1160):
  • Monday 9:50-11:30 in lab C-3e.


  • D. Kincaid, W. Cheney - Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing
  • K. Moszyński, - Metody numeryczne dla informatyków, skrypt, plik.pdf
  • Z. Fortuna, B. Macukow, J. Wasowski - Metody numeryczne
  • A. Ralston - Wstęp do analizy numerycznej
  • J. Stoer, R. Bulirsch - Wstęp do analizy numerycznej
  • M. Dryja, J. i M. Jankowscy - Przegląd metod i algorytmów numerycznych
  • S. Dahlquist, A. Björck - Metody numeryczne
  • Links:

    Octave and its extension Octave-Forge with the exemplary manual

    Grading Regulations:

    • The test for 30 points (3 tasks per 10 points each). The test covers the first part of the material. There is no possibility to retake the test.
    • The programming task and made (personally) correct modification for a maximum of 30 points.
    • At most one point for each of the two properly solved arbitrarily chosen tasks from each of five tasks series (a total of 10 points).
    • The classes are passed by thoses, who gain at least 2 points from homeworks and 5 points from programming task.
    • You have to pass the classes to be able to write an exam.
    • The exam for 30 points for those, who wrote the test (3 tasks per 10 points each).
    • The exam for 60 points for those, who didn't write the test (3 tasks per 20 points each).
    • In the second term the grade is based on the points from homeworks, the programming task and the exam (3 tasks per 20 points each).
    • The grade (on the basis of the sum of the points) by the conversion table:
      < 502
      from 503
      from 603.5
      from 704
      from 804.5
      from 905
    • Cheating on tests and exams will not be tolerated. If a student get caught cheating, the test/exam will be confiscated and rated to zero points.

    Contact: [email protected]